I was just out walking my two dogs on local farmland and was pondering the question "What is the route to successful and effective dog training". Low and behold the answer was right in front of me.

My young English Springer Spaniel Otis is 4 months old. The world must seem a daunting place to him on times. The grass is long and it is difficult to see a great deal. A bit like when we start training together! Initially Otis is trying to figure out what it is I would like him to do. But, he can't quite work it out. The "grass" is too long.
So the more we train together and the more consistency and repetition I use in his training the easier it is for him to understand what behaviour I desire. Just like walking through a field of long grass. If we stick to the same line across the field a pathway soon appears.

This pathway becomes easier to follow and it makes getting to our destination much simpler.

Repetition is key in all aspects of dog training and being consistent with commands, hand signals, timing of treats and praise leads to faster results.
However, sometimes we meet obstacles on our journey! This can block our way and prevent us moving forward.

This will also happen in training. Behaviour is unpredictable and not all techniques work with all dogs. Together we need to work out how to overcome these obstacles. Handler and dog must figure it out together. Review the training, consider what alternatives there are and search for a route over the obstacle.
What works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other. But there is always a solution. Trust me.

Some go over...

Some find a way under!
But you still get to the same place in the end.
So, what I guess I am trying to say is this. Keep training simple. Be consistent. Repetition is key. Search for alternative solution if you hit an obstacle in your training. There are usually more than one way to achieve success.
But remember... if you don't keep up the training then one day the grass will grow back tall and stronger and it will be difficult to complete your journey. Training should be a life long committment.
Enjoy the journey and don't forget to smell the flowers of success!
